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Choosing the Right Grease Trap: A Guide for Homeowners

As a homeowner, understanding the importance of maintaining a clean and functional kitchen is beneficial. A grease trap is a vital component of a healthy kitchen as it prevents clogs and blockages in your plumbing system caused by grease and food scraps. With so many options available, choosing the right grease trap for your home can be difficult. Let’s look at the different types of grease traps, as well as factors to consider when choosing one for your home.

Types of Grease Traps

Various types of grease traps are available, and each has its own distinct features. Some of the most common types include:

Passive Grease Traps

These are the most basic type of grease traps, and they rely on gravity to separate grease from wastewater. They are usually less expensive and easier to install than other types of grease traps.

Active Grease Traps

In contrast to passive grease traps, active grease traps utilize a mechanical process, such as a centrifuge, to effectively separate grease from wastewater. While they may be more costly, they are generally more efficient at trapping grease and preventing it from entering the sewer system.

Automatic Grease Traps

These grease traps use an automatic cleaning system to remove trapped grease from the trap. While typically more expensive than other types, these traps are more convenient and require less maintenance.

Factors to Consider

Choosing the right grease trap for your home involves considering several factors, such as:

  • the flow rate of your plumbing system
  • the size of your home
  • the type of cooking you do
  • the available space
  • your budget 

Since regular maintenance is essential to keep your grease trap functioning correctly, it’s important to consider the ease of maintenance when selecting one for your home. Passive grease traps need more maintenance than active or automatic traps, while automatic grease traps are the most convenient yet expensive option.

Sizes of Grease Traps

Grease traps come in various sizes, depending on how much grease needs to be separated. The size is determined by the flow rate, which refers to the amount of water that flows through the trap in a given period of time. This rate is measured in gallons per minute (GPM).

It’s crucial to select a grease trap that has a flow rate that matches the flow rate of your plumbing system. A grease trap that is too small will not be able to handle the amount of grease that needs to be separated, while a grease trap that is too large will be more expensive and take up more space.


Once you have chosen a grease trap for your home, it’s important to have it installed by a licensed plumber. Not only will they install the trap correctly, but they will also be able to answer any questions you may have.

Proper placement of the grease trap is also important to prevent blockages in your plumbing system. It should be located as close to the grease-producing sources as possible, such as the kitchen sink, dishwasher, and any other appliances that produce grease, such as a deep fryer.

Bottom Line

Choosing the right grease trap for your home can be daunting, but having the right information can help make the decision process more manageable.  It’s vital to understand the different types of grease traps, the factors to consider when selecting one, and the importance of proper installation and regular maintenance. With these in mind, you can confidently choose the right grease trap for your home and keep your plumbing system running efficiently.